Elimination of chrome gas springs

At DILE, we carefully consider all initiatives that can improve our manufacturing operations, taking sustainability into account in all our processes.

We have implemented a set of environmental management systems that have allowed us to integrate new collections certified to ISO 14006:2020 (Environmental Management Systems – Guidelines for incorporating Ecodesign). Recently, Atika.air, XL+, Medusa, Equis upholstered and Atenea upholstered have joined the collections already certified.

Among the actions that Dile is carrying out is the process initiated for the gradual elimination of the use of chrome finish in the different collections of seats and in some common components.

For this reason, we inform you that have decided to no longer include chrome gas springs in swivel chairs (operative, directional, stools). From september, the chrome gas springs will no longer be offered in your Dilebook, they will all be replaced by the black spring. This change is in line with current design trends.

This decision reinforces DILE’s commitment to the environment.

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Elimination of chrome gas springs

At DILE, we carefully consider all initiatives that can improve our manufacturing operations, taking sustainability into account in all our processes. We have implemented a

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