A few months, DILE presented our concept “GO”, which in addition to bringing dynamism to our cycling team, has a much deeper meaning: the commitment of DILE to continuous improvement. A product or service provided by DILE is never finished. From the moment of its launch, we internally reflect to see what we can improve, and above all, we listen to our customers and markets.

It is this dedication that has lead us to introduce a relevant improvement to the ATENEA FORM range, the DILE favourite for the collaborative spaces that predominate in the world and are growing ever stronger every day.

Today’s educational needs are complex, but in one feature, it can be simplified: spaces need movement, but it must be controlled. To this end, DILE’s STOP & GO wheel solves this problem in most situations in the classroom, office or multipurpose room environment. And since an image (in motion) is worth a thousand words, here is a link to the video that we have prepared to explain the features of the STOP & GO wheel.

As it says, it STOPs …and GOs!

More projects

More Projects

Elimination of chrome gas springs

At DILE, we carefully consider all initiatives that can improve our manufacturing operations, taking sustainability into account in all our processes. We have implemented a

Chairs for professionals

” Dile stools catalog. Productive solutions for demanding environments”.   This selection of products for professionals has been designed and manufactured with a specific imperative:

Asiento Medusa desenfundable

Medusa with removable cover

Imagine a comfortable seat that can combine a wide variety of colors and endless covers to play with. Here it is, Medusa. Do you want